Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Thanksgiving bloat

Well. It has definitely been a tough week or so. I know I'm not the only Weight Watcher who stepped on the scale this week a bit heftier.

Friday morning after Thanksgiving I stepped on the scale and saw a gain of 2.4lbs. Not at all surprised of course. I wish I could say that after that I behaved myself foodwise for the rest of the weekend, but of course that wasn't the case. Crap food and alcohol prevailed, and I'm sure I must have put on another 2 pounds at least. Monday morning rolled around and I went back on track - until night time that is.

I've been realizing in the last few days that I've started to revert back to old habits of nighttime munching, a habit I thought I broke once I really got into the WW groove. But the last few nights I've found myself heading downstairs for a snack late at night. I know it's bad, but I can't stop myself! I feel like I'm lacking the motivation and self control that I had for a few months there, and its something I desperately need and want back. I feel like I've been subconsciously giving up a bit over the holiday season so far, I'm sort of in the mentality that gaining is inevitable and it's hard to be strict with food in that mindset. I'm trying really hard to get back to my better eating habits! Any tips for curbing those urges?

I am happy that I managed to get back to the gym for the first time in a few weeks on Monday. I did three miles on the elliptical and felt really good. I'm going to try to do another 3 miles after work today, and then bashfully show my face in back in Body Pump on Thursday. Hopefully I won't have gained anymore than I already did by weigh in on Friday.

How have you been doing with food over the holidays?


  1. I JUST wrote a post about this! This week has been rough due to both Thanksgiving and TOM. I'm looking forward to this WW week being over!! I want tomorrow morning's weigh in DONE... and I'm ready to move on!

  2. I know exactly how you feel!

    A few tips I've learned that work for me:
    -make ahead large dishes (this week I made's layered pasta bake (8 servings), I portioned them out and it was so easy to grab them for lunch and reheat for dinner that night. A bit repetitive but I know ahead of time I have food ready for me so it deters me from wanting to stop and pickup something togo.
    - aim for atleast 30 minutes of something (walking, elliptical, 30 day shred) in. Just 30 mins alone seems to help me curb my late night dessert cravings when I know i worked hard earlier that day.
    - take it one meal at a time. If i slip up up at lunch I try to not let it get me down and just totally throw the whole day away.

    I find this blog to be really positive and it helps me to remember that others are working towards the same healthy goals as me. Keep it up, Ariana!

  3. Thanks for the tips Lauren! You and I think very much alike! Pre-making lunches is probably one of the best and most helpful things that I do for myself in this process. Ever since I started eating healthier I'm the main chef at my house, so I usually end up with a lunch or two worth of leftovers. It's great because it doesn't get TOO repetitive I usually only have the same thing for lunch 2 days in a row, max. If I don't have a pre prepped lunch, I'll usually just have lots of healthy snacks at intervals throughout the day - veggies with fat free dressing, fruit, yogurt, my fave seaweed snacks etc - sometimes I even like it better this way because I feel like I'm getting a bit of everything!

    You're right about the excersize though, I need to get more in, not only because it's obviously good for me and good for weightloss, but it's definitely a motivator to stay on track when you know you did the hard work that day.

    Good lucky with your healthy goals, and keep me updated! Do you have a blog? Thanks for reading :)

  4. Thanks for the tips Lauren! You and I think very much alike! Pre-making lunches is probably one of the best and most helpful things that I do for myself in this process. Ever since I started eating healthier I'm the main chef at my house, so I usually end up with a lunch or two worth of leftovers. It's great because it doesn't get TOO repetitive I usually only have the same thing for lunch 2 days in a row, max. If I don't have a pre prepped lunch, I'll usually just have lots of healthy snacks at intervals throughout the day - veggies with fat free dressing, fruit, yogurt, my fave seaweed snacks etc - sometimes I even like it better this way because I feel like I'm getting a bit of everything!

    You're right about the excersize though, I need to get more in, not only because it's obviously good for me and good for weightloss, but it's definitely a motivator to stay on track when you know you did the hard work that day.

    Good lucky with your healthy goals, and keep me updated! Do you have a blog? Thanks for reading :)

  5. Nope- No blog :) Although I've been thinking how helpful it might be to document my weight loss and healthy habits the way you do...something to think about I guess!

    I will definitely keep you updated and congrats on this weeks loss! I weigh in Monday's and I'm hoping for a loss this week as well. Happy weekend!
