Thursday, March 8, 2012

Quick lunch

Since getting serious with this weight-loss thing almost a year ago, I bring my own lunch to work 95% of the time. When I don't, I run downstairs to the building's cafe and make up a huge salad with grilled chicken, tons of veg, and low fat sesame ginger dressing.

But there are always those days where I haven't any leftovers to bring to work from last night's dinner, and when I'd rather not spend the cash to buy lunch. That's why I always have a few frozen meals from Trader Joe's hangin' out in the fridge, just in case.

On my last stop at TJ's I came across the Chicken and Vegetable Wonton Soup in the freezer section. Points wise, it was great, only 5 PP's for a rather large portion of soup; definitely more bowl sized than cup sized.

Verdict? It's a winner! There's big chunks of veggies (and I mean big, large slices of carrots and whole sugar snap peas!) in a yummy broth, and the wontons are really tasty. I added a little soy sauce just because I like my soup a little saltier, but it was very good on it's own. I wouldn't really compare this to take-out wonton soup, the veggies and cilantro flavors make it a completely different product, but it's good all the same. For 5 PP and only $2.29, it's a keeper for sure!

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