Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Today, happiness is...

Sore muscles and a bargain.

I had a few hours between work and 7pm Body Pump yesterday, so I decided to swing by my local Talbots. I haven't shopped there before, but had been eyeing up a few pairs of pants online on clearance and I wanted to go in to get an idea of the sizing. I'm usually between a 16/18 the pants I wanted to order were on final sale so I didn't want to risk them not fitting. To my delight, I pulled on every pair of 16s, including non-stretch denim (which never fits), without a problem! Can we say positive reinforcement! I browsed around and left with some amazing deals - a $115 dress for $39, a $60 top for $15, and an $88 top for $44!

I'd bought the rewards, so I was determined to do the work. I ran home to change, popped three Advil to conquer the cramps and backaches that were creeping up because of my lovely visitor, and made my way over to the gym.

I really love this Body Pump weight training class I've been taking. Eileen, the instructor, is just phenomenal - so much energy, so enthusiastic, and so motivational! I finally introduced myself and got signed up to my Gym's Facebook group - I'll be glad to see Eileen's motivational messages come through my newsfeed everyday!

Last night's dinner was the last remaining turkey burger, and I decided to add the side of Skinny Chipotle Sweet Potato Fries since I had lots of points to spare. Yum!

So, today -  that's happiness. Wearing one of my awesome bargain deals, and feeling those sore muscles!

Yesterday's food tracking:

Ricotta Cheese Muffin - 5pp
Coffee - 1pp

Turkey Burger - 4pp
Ciabatta bread - 3pp
BBQ sauce - 1pp

Turkey Burger - 4pp

Ciabatta bread - 3pp

BBQ sauce - 1pp
Ketchup - 1pp
Sweet potato fries (2 servings)  - 6pp

Nectarine - 0pp
String Cheese - 2pp
1oz Fudge (thanks to my brother for bringing it back from the shore to torture me with) - 3pp

Total: 34pp
1pp left over!
+5 activity Points

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