Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Well, hi!

I maybe have been a lazy blogger these last few days, but I was not all around lazy!

It's only Tuesday and I've already got in two workouts and am planning a third, my usual Tuesday Body Pump, tonight. Jen of Prior Fat Girl had a Eureka! moment recently, and it really got me thinking about my own habits and body signals. Jen realized that working out on Sunday gave her the momentum to continue working out through the week. I notice myself that it's always hard to get back in the groove after the weekend, when plans with friends and Sunday family obligations usually stop me from hitting the gym (ok, maybe I just don't want to go because it's the weekend!). So Saturday morning I got up earlier than I normally would and headed to the gym to spend some time with my old friend, the elliptical.

The elliptical and I go way back. We've had an on and off relationship for years, but I always get bored with it, and that's when my gym-going end up at a screeching halt. This time around, I hope things will be different. I'm not using the elliptical as my primacy source of exercise as I have in the past. I'm enjoying the fitness classes I've been taking much more, and I'm planning to use the elliptical as a sort of supplement to those classes, on days when my schedule is out of sync with the gym's.

Both Saturday morning and Monday evening I ran about 2.5 miles in 28 minutes on the "weightloss" setting of my gym's ellipticals, which is just 4 minute intervals of lower and higher resistance. I feel good afterward, and burned over 300 calories (and earned 7 activity points) each run!

 As Jen says, "Sweat is beautiful!"

I've been doing good with food too. Sunday dinner with my grandparents usually sets me a little bit over my points, but this week I've managed to only use 2 of my 49 weekly point allowance since Friday. Yay for small victories!

Speaking of food, here's a quick easy salad recipe I came up with (Trader Joe's helped!) that I've been chowing down on nonstop.

1 1/2 cups green of your choice; I've been using Trader Joe's Champs Elysees Green Leap Lettuce
1/2 cup Broccoli Slaw (not with mayo and all, just the dry broccoli blend - TJ's sells it bagged)
5 oz (one can) Tuna, drained; I used Trader Joe's Solid White Tuna in Water (half salt)
4tbsp Trader Joe's Corn & Chile Salsa

The salsa is sweet and tangy enough that you don't need any dressing, and the broccoli slaw gives this salad an awesome crunch. I know the tuna sounds kind of weird, believe me, I was skeptical, but I've been loving this salad for the past few days. Low in points but delicious, very filling, and a great source of protein :)

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